Tuesday 31 December 2013

Naruto Shippuden Screenshots 343

Tobi appears
kakashi's guess was right, this man is tobi my older friend. So kakashi back to the future and thinking of his friends which he spent some time with them, When in the mission Rin was kidnapped by enemy so tobi sad to kakashi "lets go to rescue rin" but kakashi say that "we have to complete our mission no matter what happen to our comrades".
But tobi hat those who left their comrades, so tobi said to kakashi "those are worse than scum who left their comrades, these words touch the kakashi so he joined the tobi to rescue rin suddenly enemy attack on kakashi in that attack kakashi's right eye got smashed. tobi and kakashi then moved forward in the mountain cave they found the rin, when coming back the rocks were falling down on the tobi.
Tobi get smashed by the rocks so tobi said to rin give my sharingan to kakashi.

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